Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said that during the 2.5-day session, the Standing Committee will scrutinize the draft law on roads and the draft law on road traffic order and safety. The two drafts are set to be submitted to the N.A. for consideration at the sixth session later this year and for approval at the seventh session next year.

Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (C) delivers the opening remarks at the 24th session of the N.A. Standing Committee on July 12.

A draft resolution on the organization of district- and commune-level administrative units for the 2023 - 2030 period will also come under discussion.

The Standing Committee will give opinions on the initial results of the supervision over the implementation of the N.A.’s Resolution No.88/2014/QH13 and Resolution No.51/2017/QH14 on reforming the general education curriculum and textbooks, which Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said is an important and sensitive issue of public concern.

The 24th session of the N.A. Standing Committee will last for two and a half days.

It will also look into the settlement of people’s opinions. Besides, the review of the 10-year implementation of the inter-sectoral resolution, No.525/2012/NQLT/UBTVQH13-DCTUBTWMTTQVN, dated September 27, 2012, on N.A. deputies’ contact with voters will be reviewed so that the Standing Committee will consider whether or not this resolution should be revised.

Legislators will also look back on the outcomes of the N.A.’s fifth session, held in late May and early June, and talk preparations for the coming sixth session, according to Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

Source: VNA