On the morning, Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien will present a report on the draft law on preventing and combating the harmful effects of alcohol and beer and Chairman of the NA’s Social Affairs Committee Nguyen Thuy Anh will deliver a report verifying this bill.

At the sixth session of the 14th National Assembly

The NA will hear Phan Xuan Dung, member of the NA Standing Committee and Chairman of the NA’s Committee on Science, Technology and Environment, present a report on the draft Cultivation Law and discuss some contents with mixed opinions on the bill.

At the fifth session, NA deputies discussed and gave ideas to the draft Cultivation Law.

On the afternoon, the legislators will vote to approve a resolution on the 2019 State budget estimates.

After that, member of the NA Standing Committee and Chairman of the NA’s Economic Affairs Committee Vu Hong Thanh will present a report on a draft law on amendments and supplements to laws related to planning and then the deputies will debate on the bill. This will be the only draft law scheduled to be adopted at the sixth session.

Source: VNA