June 01, 2018 | 15:01 (GMT+7)
NA deputies debate revised Anti-Corruption bill
National Assembly deputies gave opinions on reports on the verification and adjustments of the draft Anti-corruption Law (revised) and a bill on the amendments and supplements to some articles of the Law on Physical Training and Sports on May 31 as part of their ongoing fifth session.
Under the chair of NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, the deputies also debated a number of contentious contents of the bill on the amendments and supplements to the Law on Physical Training and Sports.
Hanoi representative Hoang Van Cuong speaking at the session. Photo: Vietnam+ |
They focused on issues related to physical training and sports in the community and schools, as well as land for physical and sport activities.
Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Ngoc Thien also provided further information and clarified some matters raised by the deputies.
In the afternoon, they discussed in group the draft Anti-corruption Law (revised).
As scheduled, on June 1, the NA will have a plenary discussion on the bill on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of laws related to the Planning Law.
In the afternoon, the deputy will give ideas on a verification report on draft Law on Husbandry, and another report on adjustments of the Law on Measurement and Map before debating the bills.
Source: VNA