Speaking at the 18th meeting of the municipal 16th-tenure People’s Council (2021-2026), N.A. Chairman Tran Thanh Man lauded the Northern port city for its notable achievements in the first half, with the gross regional domestic product growing by 10.32%, ranking fifth nationwide and first among the five centrally-run cities. The total state budget revenue exceeded VND 60.8 trillion (USD 2.4 billion), up 34.77% annually. Export turnover grew by 28.87% year on year to USD 17.2 billion.

N.A. Tran Thanh Man and leaders of the Command of Military Region 3

The municipal People’s Council was commended for strengthening democracy and seriously following the Party’s guidelines as well as the laws and resolutions of the N.A., the Government and the 16th municipal Party Congress.

N.A. Chairman Tran Thanh Man urged all-level Party committees, authorities and mass organizations in the city to continue effectively implementing the resolutions of the 13th National Party Congress, the Party Central Committee, the N.A., the Government and the 16th municipal Party Congress.

The city needs to identify its potential and advantages to foster development and achieve or surpass the 2024 targets, thereby contributing to the country’s fulfillment of the 2024 goals outlined in the N.A.’s resolution, he said.

He also required the city to promptly tackle obstacles during the implementation of the Politburo's Resolution No.45 on building and developing Hai Phong until 2030, with a vision to 2045; and the N.A.'s Resolution No.35 on piloting several specific mechanisms and policies for the city's development.

Attention should also be paid to expediting the progress of public investment, infrastructure and socio-economic projects, especially those deemed critical; as well as preparations for Party congresses at all levels for the 2025-2030 tenure, toward the 14th National Party Congress and the election of deputies to the 16th N.A. and all-level People's Councils in the 2026-2031 tenure, according to the top legislator.

During a separate working session with the Command of Military Region 3 the same day, N.A. Chairman Tran Thanh Man asked the military region to continue fully implementing the resolutions of the Central Military Commission, and military and defense tasks in 2024.

The command should also coordinate with central agencies based in the region and localities to well carry out national construction and defense tasks, keep a good grasp of the situation, and join hands with local Party committees and authorities to prevent and effectively respond to natural disasters, fire and crime, while continuing to build the local political base through mass mobilization work, the legislative leader said.

Source: VNA