The event was chaired by Professor Doctor. Ta Ngoc Tan, former member of the Party Central Committee, former Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, and Deputy Chairman of Central Theoretical Council (CTC) of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luu Van An, Deputy Director of the Academy of Journalism and Communications.

At the seminar

At the seminar, veteran editors, scientists, managers, and students discussed current issues and put forward measures to promote the role of press and media platforms in building and revamping the Communist Party of Vietnam in the coming time. 

Seventy reports delivered at the event affirmed how Vietnam’s revolutionary press has always been a sharp ideological weapon of the Party and State, which included analysis of its influence during the national revolutionary cause. Press and media agencies are important information channels and forums for people to contribute to the building and revamping of the Party. 

The active and proactive participation of media platforms over the past time have helped make strong changes in the building and revamping of the Party and in the fight against corruption. The press has diversified their information dissemination methods and contents, contributing to raising the awareness of Party committees, Party members, and people of the importance of Party building and revamping and encouraging people to make contributions to the work.

Delegates affirmed that the press’s contributions to Party building and revamping work have not met the requirements of the mission in the new period. They said that there are still shortcomings in carrying out the work. Some organizations and individuals have not embraced the role of the press to Party building and revamping, while some reporters’ professional competence and political knowledge are limited. Press and media agencies and relevant units have not effectively or harmoniously cooperated in disseminating information related to Party building and revamping. 

Participating scientists affirmed that building a politically, ideologically, organizationally, and ethically strong Party is a key mission which is vitally important to the revolutionary cause of the Vietnamese people. They also agreed that the Party’s management and leadership is a decisive component to effectively promote the role of the press in building and revamping the Party in the coming time.

Reports also emphasized the need of a comprehensive and effective coordination mechanism between media platforms and relevant units. Reporters should thoroughly embrace important resolutions on Party building and revamping, raise their revolutionary ethics, access modern technologies, and promote self-studying, so as to meet the higher requirements of missions in the new period.

Translated by Tran Hoai