The majority of deputies agreed that despite the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic and the instability of the world situation, positive results have been achieved in the realization the socio-economic development plans in 2021 and the first months of 2022. The country’s macroeconomy maintained its stability while inflation was under control. Vietnam continued to be an attractive destination for foreign investors.

At the ongoing third session of the 15th National Assembly

The legislators assessed and proposed solutions for the country's socio-economic development, including disbursement of public investment capital, national target programs, and measures to promote tourism, innovation, transport infrastructure development, agricultural production and price stabilization. They also gave opinions on such issues as education, tuition fee increase, textbook prices; the preservation and promotion of the value of cultural heritages, labour export and social insurance.

The deputies suggested the Government supplement the assessment of the impact of the disruption of the global supply chains on domestic business activities by setting forth immediate and long-term solutions to support businesses.

It is necessary to issue a strategy on human resource development in the future, adopt solutions relating to market expansion and diversify good import and export markets, they noted.

The lawmakers also proposed the NA continue to pay more attention to the decentralization of power, allowing the N.A. Standing Committee, the Government and localities to decide on a number of issues under their authority to achieve the growth target set out by the N.A. in 2022 and the following years.

Regarding the N.A.’s Resolution No. 42/2017/QH14 on piloting the bad debt settlement of credit institutions, many deputies agreed with the N.A.’s initiative to extend the application of the resolution to ensure its effectiveness.

Source: VNA