A seminar was held in Hanoi on Jan. 8 by the Ho Chi Minh National Politics and Administration Academy to discuss issues relating to human rights.

Participants in the seminar praised the Party’s policy on human rights protection, saying that it is in line with other developing countries.

Dr. Nguyen Duc Thuy, head of the research institute for human rights, said that the Party Central Committee’s Decree 12 has a system of measures that can ensure human rights in Vietnam and fight hostile acts to besmirch the regime.

Delegates stressed the need to increase people’s knowledge of the issues, with the aim of protecting their legal rights, ensuring equality and combating discrimination. They affirmed the urgent need for the training institutes and agencies to promote human rights education and research.

According to Dr. Nguyen Thi Bao, human rights education is of great significance as Vietnam is building a law-governed State and implementing the international integration process under the leadership of the Party.

Source: VOV