24 precincts throughout Ho Chi Minh City will carry out a month-long “Red Flamboyant” campaign from June 15 to July 15 with the participation of approximately 10,000 students, teachers and youths across various localities.

Participants will organize and encourage children to join summer activities including teaching classes for charity, protecting the environment, guidance on traffic laws, and various sports and cultural activities.

In addition, books and studying kits will be collected for poor students. Taking care of families of wounded soldiers and martyrs and organizing activities to mark the 60th anniversary of the Day for Wounded Soldiers and Martyrs on July 27 are also part of the campaign.

Notably, 5 friendship houses and 30 bikes will be presented to needy children at 5 districts on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh city.

Launched by Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union Committee, such campaign aims to educate children in their responsibilities for their communities and society as a whole.

Source: TT

Translated by Mai Huong