Local officials reported that last year, Bac Giang was among the 10 best performing localities with a GRDP growth rate of 7.82 percent and ranked 15th with an economy valued at over 129.8 trillion VND (5.6 billion USD).

It saw GRDP growth of 14.33 percent in the first quarter of 2022 and estimated the Q2 figure at 24.03 percent - highest nationwide.

They also highlighted progress in social, cultural, defense, security, and external affairs, along with the Party and political system building.

PM Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the working session with Bac Giang officials on June 12.

PM Chinh said with outstanding potential, advantages, and opportunities, Bac Giang is an attractive and promising destination for both domestic and foreign investors.

He held that to fully tap into potential, address shortcomings, and fuel development, the province should strengthen its self-reliance, step up the decentralization of power and administrative reform, facilitate the public - private partnership, and boost human resources training.

It was requested to push ahead with COVID-19 prevention and control, especially vaccination, to create the best possible conditions for socio-economic recovery and development; continue efforts to make the three strategic breakthroughs in terms of strategic infrastructure, institutional building, and human resources training; and ramp up the implementation of the socio-economic recovery and development program.

The Government leader also demanded focus be put on green and sustainable development, digital transformation and energy transition, sci-tech application to improve labor productivity, and selective investment attraction to increase investment effectiveness.

He stressed the need for promoting economic growth in tandem with protecting the environment, ensuring social security and welfare, and preserving cultural values.

Besides, it is also important to pay due attention to building an incorruptible and strong Party and political system, along with a lean, efficient, and effective State apparatus, according to the PM.

Source: VNA