He made the request while speaking at a national teleconference on administrative procedure reforms and governance modernization on September 15.

The PM highly valued efforts to promote administrative reforms, especially in terms of administrative procedures, and governance modernization by ministries, sectors, localities, associations, enterprises, organizations, and individuals, which have resulted in positive outcomes helping with national reforms and socio-economic recovery and development.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chairs the national teleconference on administrative procedure reforms and governance modernization on September 15.

Pointing out problems and shortcomings that need to be addressed quickly, he stressed that to achieve substantive outcomes, it is necessary to have strong determination, great efforts, drastic actions, a breakthrough mindset, a strategic vision, and constant reforms while identifying digital transformation as the pillar and impulse for administrative procedure reforms and governance modernization.

“Without exerting efforts to step up administrative procedure reforms and governance modernization, we will lag behind,” PM Chinh emphasized.

The Government leader required that the reforms must be aligned with and assessed based on the reality, and the decentralization of power should be stepped up to reduce intermediate stages.

He also underlined the need for strict adherence to administrative discipline, the responsibility of agency leaders, and the building and effective use of information systems and data to serve the handling of administrative procedures for people and enterprises.

Ministries, sectors, and localities need to consult people and enterprises while reviewing, removing, and simplifying administrative procedures to ensure feasibility and effectiveness, the PM said.

He asked for stronger efforts to raise people’s satisfaction about all-level administrations’ performance in handling administrative procedures to over 80% by 2023 and over 90% by 2025, the rate of procedures solved on schedule at public administrative service centers to more than 90%, and the rate of people using online public services to 50% by the end of 2023.

Source: VNA