PANO - A meeting in response to the 2016 Action Month for Drugs Prevention and Control was jointly held in the evening of June 16th in Hanoi  by the National Committee on AIDS, Drugs, Prostitution Prevention and Control, Ministries of Public Security; Education and Training; and Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Addressing the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh directed relevant organizations to step up action programs, public education and information dissemination on drugs prevention.

The meeting

Accordingly, the Ministry of Education and Training was asked to check and update knowledge of drugs prevention, which had been popularized at schools from primary to tertiary levels. Besides, the ministry should improve the knowledge through extra activities and citizenship education course for students in the beginning of academic years.

The Ministry of Public Security was requested to direct its forces to strongly fight drug-related crimes while the Ministry of Information and Communications should tighten control over the internet, especially ill-intention websites while the culture, sports and tourism sector should keep an eye on businesses operating in sensitive sectors.

The Deputy Prime Minister also asked press organizations to open column and build contents on impacts of drugs, especially methamphetamine, as well as on life skills.

Translated by Mai Huong