PANO - Giang Xa village in Tram Troi townlet, Hoai Duc district, Hanoi is one of the major places to worship national hero and King Ly Nam De who gave birth to the Early Ly Dynasty and established Van Xuan State in the sixth century.

Ly Nam De, whose real name was Ly Bi, was born in Co Phap village (now Tien Phong ward, Pho Yen city, Thai Nguyen province). Since his parents passed away early, he was brought to and raised at Linh Bao Pagoda (also Bao Phuc Tu - Giang Xa Pagoda in Hoai Duc district). Being a malcontent against Jiaosi’s brutality and greed, Ly Bi secretly recruited soldiers to rebel against the Liang invaders. After defeating the Liang army, on January 12 of the Giap Ty lunar year (544), Ly Bi ascended the throne, proclaiming himself Emperor of Nam Viet, naming the country Van Xuan, and taking the reign name Thien Duc.

To pay tribute to the wise King, people in Giang Xa village opens the festival on the 12th day of the first lunar month. The village festival, held every 5 years, features the rituals and games.

Below are photos of the Giang Xa village festival.

Translated by Tran Hoai