PANO - The Southern provinces bid farewell to troops of the Military Medical University on November 3 who just fulfilled the COVID-19 prevention and control mission in the localities.

Over the past two months, nearly 500 officers, instructors, cadets, and medical staff from the Military Medical University stood side by side with the local authorities and people in the hotbeds of Binh Duong and Dong Nai provinces, and Ho Chi Minh City to fight against the pandemic.

Apart from treating COVID-19 patients, the university set up mobile medical teams in communes, wards, and townlets to collect COVID-19 testing samples, vaccinate the locals against COVID-19, and more.

Thanks to their timely support, the Southern localities have initially contained the pandemic.

As the localities were gradually coming back to normal life, the troops returned to their university for upcoming missions.

PANO would like to introduce some images during the farewell. 

Translated by Song Anh