More than 30 delegates representing over 500 Vietnamese students who are studying at 12 universities in 10 cities and provinces in Belgium attended the congress.

More than 30 delegates representing over 500 Vietnamese students who are studying at 12 universities in 10 cities and provinces in Belgium attend the congress.

During the last term, SIVIBI paid much attention to expanding the association, attracting more members, and taking part in activities held by the Vietnamese association in Belgium. Particularly, the association implemented a program that offered support to Vietnamese students as soon as they arrived in Belgium to start their study.

It also actively joined events to promote Vietnamese culture in the host country.

Speaking at the congress, Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium Nguyen Van Thao pointed out important tasks for SIVIBI to further develop the community of Vietnamese students in Belgium and contribute to Vietnam’s development.

He urged overseas Vietnamese students to focus on studying, and develop comprehensively.

SIVIBI was also requested to closely connect with domestic associations and the Vietnamese community in Belgium to build a strong network that will support its members better.

Source: VNA