NA Vice Chairman Phung Quoc Hien presenting a gift to the UGVF
Speaking at the event, Secretary General of the General Union of Vietnamese People in France (UGVF) Ngo Kim Hung said his organization was formed by late President Ho Chi Minh in 1919 with a view to helping Vietnamese nationals integrate into the host country and connecting them with the home nation via events during the traditional New Year and holidays.

He added that the UGVF is preparing to celebrate its 100th anniversary with a number of practical activities.

Bui Nguyen Hoang from the Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts (AVSE) in France said born in 2011, AVSE gathers Vietnamese intellects and experts not only in France but also across Europe and North America.

Via scientific seminars on development policies, finance-banking, and digital economy, the AVSE wants to provide a platform for policymakers at home country and Vietnamese intellects abroad to discuss practical ideas for national development, he added.

NA Vice Chairman Hien, for his part, said the Vietnamese Party, the NA and the Government always consider the Vietnamese community abroad, including those in France, an inseparable part of the nation and a bridge strengthening Vietnam-France ties.

According to him, more than 300,000 Vietnamese living in France, including nearly 6,500 students, are important resources that need to be utilized.

He also updated them about Vietnam’s renovation achievements over the past three decades, the socio-economic development for 2016 and the first half of 2017.

In the afternoon the same day, NA Vice Chairman Hien and his entourage laid a floral tribute to the late President Ho Chi Minh at his statue in Montreuil park, the suburban city of Montreuil. They are due to wrap up four-day visit on July 10.

Source: VNA