October 18, 2018 | 21:49 (GMT+7)
Vietnam shares experiences in poverty reduction at UNGA 73
A member of the Vietnamese mission to the United Nations (UN) delivered a speech on poverty reduction during a debate held by the UN Economic and Financial Committee (Second Committee) on “Eradication of poverty and other development issues” in New York on October 17.
The debate was included in the agenda of the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 73).
At the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly |
During the event, countries exchanged experiences in ending poverty and outlined challenges to this effort facing the world and each nation, particularly in terms of resource shortages. They agreed that eradicating poverty is the most inclusive goal that is fundamental to the fulfillment of other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To end poverty in all its forms, appropriate development strategies are needed for all three pillars of economics, social affairs and environment. Social policies to ensure welfare, deliver basic public services, promote gender equality and others are decisive to the sustainability of each country’s economic growth and elimination of inequality.
Furthermore, developed countries should provide developing ones with increased support and technology transfer to narrow the science and technology gap among nations and within each nation.
A representative of Vietnam’s mission presented the country’s achievements in poverty reduction and challenges it faces to alleviate poverty in restructuring the economy, finding proper sustainable growth models, maintaining what has been achieved, reducing impacts of climate change and addressing social inequality, in an effort to leave no one behind, especially vulnerable people like ethnic minority groups.
Vietnam also urged the UN to continue assisting the country in realizing the poverty eradication goal through provision of resources, policy consultancy and access to international financial institutes.
Source: VNA