Speaking to the media on the occasion of the international consultation workshop on the second draft voluntary mid-term report on the implementation of Universal Periodic Review (UPR) third cycle recommendations that opened in Hanoi on December 10, Deputy FM Giang said that so far, Vietnam has joined the majority of international conventions regarding human rights and committed to fully implement its obligations in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and these conventions.

Deputy Foreign Minister Dang Hoang Giang speaking at the event

Delivering on those commitments also aims to better implement the Party and State’s policies in protecting human rights and protecting the people, especially amid COVID-19, he said.

The deputy minister underlined that Vietnam has considered the people as the goal and motivation for development.

Apart from the protection of human rights for its own people, Vietnam has made contribution to efforts to ensure universal human rights through its engagement in major discussion contents of international multilateral mechanisms and organisations, especially in the role of a non-permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, he said.

The official said that this is the first time that Vietnam has compiled a mid-term report on the implementation of UPR third cycle recommendations, underlining that this is a meaningful and practical activity. The report shows what Vietnam has done and what the country should improve, he said, adding that during the report compiling process, international partners have given their consultations and advice to Vietnam and shared their experience to help Vietnam improve its performance in the field in the time to come.

Mentioning ASEAN member countries’ selection of Vietnam as their representative at the U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in the 2023-2025 period, Deputy FM Giang stressed that it not only manifests Vietnam’s strong commitments in making more contributions to common work of the international community, but also proves that Vietnam is a reliable and responsible partner of the international community.

At the event

He said that ASEAN member countries have reached consensus on supporting Vietnam to run for a seat at the UNHRC, which  showed the grouping’s high evaluation of Vietnam’s contribution so far and belief in what the country will do more in the future. Giang said he is confident that apart from the ASEAN, more countries and groups of countries will support Vietnam's candidacy.

Source: VNA