Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the U.N., said that the participation of the Vietnamese high-level delegation at major U.N. events this year demonstrates the highest commitment of the country’s Party, State and people to be willing to actively contribute to the common efforts of the international community to maintain international peace and security and sustainable development.

Vietnam continues to affirm its role as a responsible member which takes part actively in and contributes specifically and substantially to the common work and major priorities of the U.N. and the international community, shares lessons, ideas and solutions to promote international cooperation and solidarity and strengthen multilateralism to effectively respond to global challenges and non-traditional security issues.

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang (C), Vice President of 77th session of the UNGA, chairs a UNGA session.

Specifically, Vietnam always affirms its consistent policy of taking people as the center and the driving force of all policy decisions which is also the guiding principle that the U.N. always strives to pursue.

Vietnam calls for strengthening trust, and international solidarity and responsibility, Giang said, adding that for its part, Vietnam is participating and reaffirming its active implementation of international commitments, as well as its readiness to fulfil obligations and responsibilities of a member state in all fields.

The country effectively promotes its participation in, and contribution to enhancing the U.N.’s role in building a global governance system based on international law and generally-accepted standards to ensure the maintenance of peace and the facilitation of sustainable and equitable development.

During that process, Vietnam has participated in many initiatives and solutions that are both linked to the country's priorities and to common concerns of the U.N. and the international community such as charging a discussion of the U.N. General Assembly and vote on a resolution asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to define the obligations of states to combat climate change, the diplomat stated.

Those achievements and imprints are the basis for Vietnam to be proud and confident that the country not only is truly serious and ready to be a reliable, constructive and responsible partner of the international community, but also has enough professional capacity, resources and competent officials to shoulder important responsibilities, worthy of the country's new position.

During their trip in the U.S. from September 17-23, the Vietnamese delegation will also make effective use of the activities of the high-level week to further deepen bilateral relationships with major partners, including the U.S., he said.

Regarding the 77th session of the UNGA which concluded on September 5, Ambassador Giang affirmed that Vietnam completed its successful one-year term as Vice President of the session.

Vietnam successfully performed its role, demonstrated through its extensive participation in the discussions to push the UNGA to approve agendas covering all aspects of international life. It also fully participated in the process of proposing and planning important decisions to the world.

During the last term, Vietnam and several countries have proposed initiatives and solutions on many major U.N. issues such as upholding international marine law, and law of the sea, water security, responsibility to prevent and control crimes against humanity, equal access to justice, preparation for the summit on diseases prevention and control, universal health coverage, tuberculosis, and UNGA operation’ reforms.

Source: VNA