September 20, 2018 | 21:58 (GMT+7)
ASOSAI-14: Chairman of Indonesian Audit Board highly appreciates role of Vietnam
PANO – The Assembly of the 14th Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI-14) is underway in Hanoi. On this occasion, the People’s Army Newspaper had an interview with Chairman of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI) Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara.
Talking about Vietnam’s organization of ASOSAI-14 and the presidency of the ASOSAI in the 2018-2021 term that the state audit sector of Vietnam has just taken over, BKP RI Chairman Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara warmly congratulated Vietnam on taking over the position. He stressed that this is the acknowledgement of ASOSAI member Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) and the international community for the efforts and contributions of Vietnam during its 21-year membership of ASOSAI. He said that the position of Vietnam has been significantly heightened compared to that in 2010 when he came to Vietnam for the 42nd meeting of the ASOSAI Governing Board. The BPK IR Chairman highly appreciated Vietnam in organizing ASOSAI-14 and believed that the event will be successful.
BPK RI Chairman Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara |
As an ASOSAI member SAI, he confirmed that all SAIs would support Vietnam wholeheartedly in its new presidency. He believed that as the chair of ASOSAI for the 2018-2021 term, Vietnam would surely play an important role in building and developing capacity for ASEAN SAIs and also ASOSAI members.
At present, ASOSAI has been implementing its strategy for the 2016-2021 period. He hoped that the strategy would be more effectively implemented with success as Vietnam has just taken over the presidency.
Talking about the theme of the ASOSAI Assembly “Environmental auditing for sustainable development,” the Indonesian official affirmed that environmental protection is important to sustainable development as environmental issues always go together with development. This is also one of the contents in the UN agenda on sustainable development towards 2030.
The BPK IR Chairman held that some of the most important contents in environment audit for ASOSAI members are water, waste, forest, and air pollution management and preparation to meet sustainable development goals set by the United Nations. He hoped that the state audit sector of Vietnam, as the chair of ASOSAI for the 2018-2021 term, would actively support the two environment audit groups under ASOSAI and INTOSAI (International Organization of Supreme Audit Institution) for the sake of sustainable development of the world in general and for dealing with environmental problems in particular.
Interviewer: Thu Anh
Translated by Huu Duong