Officials of Sen Thuong and Sin Thau communes on December 11 held talks with the delegation to discuss measures to promote cross-border cooperation between the two sides since 2020.

At the signing ceremony

Accordingly, the two sides have actively shared information about the COVID-19 pandemic and coordinated to prevent illegal exit and entry and smuggling. They also cooperated to reopen the A Pa Chai (Vietnam) - Longfu (China) border crossing in August 2023.

The two sides reached consensus on continuing to work together to give advice to their superiors regardign the upgrade of the A Pa Chai - Longfu border crossing to border gates, while creating favorable conditions for people living along the borderline to travel, trade and carry out people-to-people exchange activities.

The sides will also increase education work to increase local people's awareness on legal regulations in border areas, and continue to share experience through periodically talks every six months.

The delegates then engaged in cultural exchange activities with local people.

Source: VNA