During the call, the Vietnamese Foreign Minister (FM) expressed his delight at the fruitful development in the Vietnam-U.S. comprehensive strategic partnership over the past time, affirming Vietnam's consistent stance on regarding the U.S. as a partner of strategic importance.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son makes a phone call to Senator Jeff Merkley, Chair of the Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies under the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations on June 4.

He also hoped that the two sides would continue to closely coordinate in implementing cooperation contents within the new partnership, on the basis of respect for each other’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political institutions.

For his part, Senator Jeff Merkley underlined the strong advocacy of the U.S. Congress for accelerating the Vietnam-U.S. comprehensive strategic partnership, and the consistent support for a strong, independent, self-reliant and prosperous Vietnam.

Meanwhile, Jeff Merkley agreed on promoting exchange of delegations and informed that several delegations of the U.S. Senate plan to visit Vietnam in the near future.

On the occasion, FM Bui Thanh Son hoped that the U.S. Congress will support the maintenance of economic, trade and investment relations between the two countries in a stable and sustainable direction, while continuing to pay attention to supporting Vietnam in post-war consequence settlement, climate change response and high-quality human resource development.

Regarding the East Sea (South China Sea) issue, both sides emphasized the significance of maintaining peace, stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation and aviation in the sea.

Translated by Quynh Oanh