At their meeting at the Slovak Parliament’s headquarters on April 24, Ambassador Tuan briefed the host on delegation exchange activities between the two countries, including an upcoming visit to Slovakia by the Vice Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly (N.A.) Committee for Science, Technology and Environment in early July.

The diplomat said that Vietnam hopes to receive Slovakian delegations in the coming time.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Slovakia Nguyen Tuan (L) meets with Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Slovak National Council Marian Kery.

For his part, Kery said that despite its busy schedule in July, including meetings with the new Government and the new President who will start a new tenure in June, the Slovak Parliament is ready to welcome the delegation from the Vietnamese N.A. Committee for Science, Technology and Environment.

He said he hopes the two sides will share information to further promote relations between the two countries in the future.

At the meeting, Ambassador Tuan proposed that the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Slovak Parliament work with relevant agencies of Slovakia on the legalization of civil status documents issued by the Vietnamese Embassy for use in Slovakia.

The Vietnamese Ambassador also took the occasion to thank Kery for his active coordination with the Vietnamese side to promote the relations between the two countries, especially in fostering the bilateral parliamentary partnership.

Source: VNA