Beglov said that the city considers cooperation with Vietnam a priority in its foreign relations, adding that despite impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the partnership between the two sides has been strengthened through online meetings.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Dang Minh Khoi (left) shakes hands with St. Petersburg Governor Alexander Beglov.

He expressed his hope to continue boosting ties with Vietnam, while giving specific proposals such as the construction of a statue of President Ho Chi Minh and the opening of a Ho Chi Minh City Center for Culture and Business in St. Petersburg, as well as a similar centre of St. Petersburg in HCM City soon.

For his part, Ambassador Khoi affirmed that Vietnamese leaders have attached great importance to boosting ties with Russia, considering it a top priority in the country’s external relations.

He said that a large number of Vietnamese students studying in Russia have helped foster connections between the two nations.

The diplomat expressed his hope that the two sides will work together to accelerate the project of building the President Ho Chi Minh statue so as to inaugurate in 2023 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Vietnamese leader’s first arrival in the city.

Ambassador Khoi gave a number of ideas to further promote the friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia, as well as cooperation in fighting COVID-19 between the two countries and between Ho Chi Minh City and St. Petersburg.

He said that Vietnam highly values contributions of Russian scientists in COVID-19 vaccine development, and hopes that St. Petersburg will share its experience in COVID-19 prevention and control with and support COVID-19 vaccines for Vietnam.

The ambassador suggested that St. Petersburg continue to create favorable conditions for the Vietnamese community in the city to live, work and study, while strengthening people-to-people exchanges and enhancing cooperation in education and training with Vietnam. He proposed organizing a Vietnamese Culture Day in St. Petersburg.

During his visit from July 13-15, Ambassador Khoi also had a meeting with representatives of the Vietnamese community in the city.

Source: VNA