Speaking at the event, Association Chairman Nguyen The Thao stressed Poland is one of the first countries to establish diplomatic ties with Vietnam. In recent years, ties between the two countries have been growing via visits by their leaders and cooperation programs in the fields of economy, culture, education and people-to-people diplomacy.

Poland is now home to about 40,000 – 50,000 Vietnamese people, making them one of the largest Vietnamese communities in Europe. They are also making active contributions to economic development and social activities in the European nation, he said.

Chairman of the Vietnam – Poland Friendship Association Nguyen The Thao speaks at the event

Thao also took the occasion to pledge to do his best to foster bilateral friendship and cooperation.

Polish Ambassador to Vietnam Wojciech Gerwel said the event affords both sides a chance to review the past and look toward the future.

He said during the 2019-2020 academic year, 525 Vietnamese students are pursuing education in Poland. He expressed his hope that the figure will rise in coming years.

The diplomat also thanked the Vietnamese Government and people for providing medical supplies for Poland during the COVID-19 outbreak.

On the occasion, the association also presented certificates of merit to individuals who contributed to developing people-to-people exchange between the two nations as well as its activities.

Source: VNA