During meetings and working sessions with parliamentarians and representatives of agencies under the Mexican state's government, the diplomat briefed the hosts on Vietnam’s economic, trade and investment achievements over its 36-year renewal, highlighting remarkable strides in the export of ago-forestry-aquaculture products.

He also spotlighted the strong development of the bilateral relations, affirming that two-way trade between Vietnam and Mexico will continue to grow strongly as both nations are members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Ambassador Nguyen Hoanh Nam (center) presents a sourvernir to Oaxaca’s deputy minister of tourism Fernanda Schmidt Ruiz.

The ambassador suggested parliamentarians, leaders of ministries and sectors and scholars of Oaxaca to work with the Vietnamese side to establish cooperation mechanisms and sign technical agreements in order to create favorable conditions for export and import activities of the two countries.

Meeting with the minister of economic development of Oaxaca, Raúl Ruiz Robles, Ambassador Nguyen Hoanh Nam said the business community will be a catalyst for growing bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

Robles said Oaxaca’s businesses are interested in Vietnam, and consider it a potential export market. He affirmed that the Oaxaca government is willing to send business delegations to Vietnam to seek business and investment opportunities.

He agreed to support the embassy in organizing economic and cultural activities of Vietnam in Oaxaca in the coming time.

In a meeting with the deputy minister of agriculture and rural development of Oaxaca, Flavio Aragón Cuevas, the Vietnamese diplomat proposed the two sides enhance sharing of experience in farming and processing aquatic products as well as in post-harvest technology in order to increase added value of agricultural products.

Cuevas said he will direct authorized agencies to study the potential for agricultural cooperation between the two countries, especially on the import of small-sized agricultural machines - the products that Vietnam has strength.

Nguyen Hoanh Nam also emphasized the great potential for the two sides in tourism cooperation in his meeting with Oaxaca’s deputy minister of tourism Fernanda Schmidt Ruiz.

For her part, Ruiz  said the two sides need to strengthen the exchange of information on tourism products, support each other in organising tourism promotion programs,  encourage enterprises to participate in international tourism fairs organized by each side, and boost tourism connection among their localities.

Source: VNA