Addressing the event sponsored by Germany’s Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Chien Thang, Director of the IES, said that workshop offers a good chance for scientists to exchange their views, thereby clarifying scientific arguments and progressive values of economic thought trends in Germany.

Prof. Andreas Stoffers (Photo:

Director of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Vietnam Prof. Andreas Stoffers said studying the history of the formation and development of theoretical content of German economic thought trends helps enhance theoretical and practical research activities, contributing to understanding more about Germany, as well as to promoting cooperation between the two countries.

On the basis of cooperation projects, the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation has organised dialogues, seminars and activities to promote academic exchange between Vietnam and Germany in terms of education and training, open society and digitization, future of economic market and international integration, he stressed.

Participants to the event focused their discussions on the influence of Marx's economic thought, social market economy thought, free market economy thought, and sustainable development thought.

Source: VNA