At the meeting, Al-Hussein praised Vietnam’s efforts in overcoming the consequences of landmines and UXO, as well as its international cooperation in this field.

Special Envoy of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty  Mired Raad Al-Hussein (left) and Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang (Photo:

He hoped that Vietnam will continue to contribute its voice to promoting international attention and share experience and practice in this work.

According to the special envoy, since it was approved in 1997, the Ottawa Convention has brought many important benefits to the international community, helping to create a framework for promoting international cooperation, setting standards for anti-personnel mine clearance, and assisting victims in many countries around the world.

For his part, Giang said although the war ended many years ago in Vietnam, post-war bombs, mines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) still caused a lot of pain, leaving great consequences.

According to the diplomat, the Vietnamese Party, State and Government have always paid great attention to and made great efforts to overcome consequences and support bomb and mine victims. However, Vietnam still needs more resources and international support to complete bomb and mine clearance.

He thanked international partners for their valuable support to Vietnam, as well as the special envoy for his efforts in promoting the interest of the international community in this issue, which, he said, it will continue to linger in many parts of the world.

Vietnam supports many important contents and humanitarian aspects in relevant conventions, including the Ottawa Convention, Giang affirmed, adding that Vietnam has always actively promoted international cooperation in this field through both bilateral and multilateral channels.

The two sides also agreed to continue to share information about projects, conferences and seminars on supporting landmine victims in the coming time.

Source: VNA