Speaking after receiving the letter of credentials from President Vo Van Thuong presented by Vietnamese Ambassador to Algeria and Senegal Tran Quoc Khanh, President Macky Sall warmly welcomed and hoped the Vietnamese diplomat will make contribution to the development of the relationship between Senegal and Vietnam in the coming time.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Algeria and Senegal Tran Quoc Khanh presents letter of credentials from President Vo Van Thuong to Senegalese President Macky Sall.


Khanh affirmed he will do his utmost to enhancing the traditional bilateral relations, especially in areas where the two countries have strengths such as agriculture, marine economy, trade as well as people-to-people exchange.

Trade relations between Vietnam and Senegal have reaped fruit in recent years, reaching approximately 70 million USD a year. Vietnam’s exports to Senegal include pepper, cereals, vegetables, textiles, seafood and rice; while its imports were cashew nuts, cotton, seafood, and animal feed from the African country.

Currently, there are about 2,000 Vietnamese people who are living and doing business in Senegal. Kim Hoi, an organization of the Vietnamese community in Senegal, was established in 2016 and has conducted many diverse activities to spread the image of Vietnam and its culture in the country.

Meanwhile,  the Vovinam Federation in Senegal is thriving with more than 3,000 martial artists across the country, serving as an important bridge to introduce to the Senegalese people the quintessence of martial arts and philosophy of peace of Vietnamese people.

Source: VNA