The Government leader suggested that Bulgaria call on the remaining E.U. member states to ratify the E.U. - Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) and advocate the removal of the European Commission's "yellow card" warning imposed on Vietnam regarding illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) and the new Bulgarian Ambassador to Vietnam, Pavlin Todorov, at their meeting in Hanoi on April 11

Lauding the deepening bilateral political ties, marked by high-level exchanges across party, state, and people-to-people channels, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh underscored the upcoming 75th anniversary of the nations’ diplomatic relations in 2025 and proposed the sides closely coordinate commemorating activities.

Expressing his delight at the countries’ effective coordination and mutual support at multilateral forums as well as the steady growth in bilateral trade, particularly since the E.U. - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) came into effect, he acknowledged that their current scale of trade and investment remains modest compared to potential.

Looking forwards to stronger cooperation, particularly in areas of mutual strength such as green, digital, and circular economies, and agriculture, he affirmed the Vietnamese government's commitment to creating favorable conditions for Vietnamese and Bulgarian businesses to connect and collaborate.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister expressed a wish for joint work in traditional and strategic sectors such as education and training, defense, security, culture, and tourism. He proposed Bulgaria further support the Vietnamese expatriate community so that they can better integrate and serve as a link in enriching the friendship between the two nations.

On this occasion, he conveyed greetings and an invitation to visit Vietnam from Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to the President of Bulgaria.

In response, Todorov said he is committed to further promoting friendship and cooperation between Bulgaria and Vietnam, focusing on enhancing exchanges at all levels to build political trust and develop trade and investment ties.

The diplomat praised the excellent state of bilateral relations and expressed high regard for the Vietnamese community in Bulgaria. He affirmed the European nation’s recognition of Vietnam's significant role and position in the region as well as its readiness to support Vietnam in its relations with the E.U.

Source: VNA