PM Chinh affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to and wants to continue deepening and developing its traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia, contributing to peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (right) hosts Chairman of Russian Federal Bar Association Sergey Stepashin. 

He proposed the two countries continue strengthening political trust, facilitating high-level visits, removing difficulties and obstacles in economic and investment projects in the spirit of harmonizing interests and sharing risks.

The PM also suggested advancing cooperation and sharing experiences among ministries and localities of Vietnam and Russia, especially in education-training, exchange of students in basic science fields, culture-arts, tourism, people-to-people exchanges and aviation connectivity.

To concretize agreements reached by high-ranking leaders, PM Chinh suggested RFBA and VLA, as well as relevant agencies, review and efficiently carry out cooperation deals, build a legal framework for bilateral cooperation and actively step up economic, trade and investment collaboration.

On global and regional issues, he called for continued coordination at multilateral forums for the sake of peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Stepashin, for his part, affirmed that Russia treasures and wants to fortify relations with Vietnam across various fields. He vowed to report the contents of his discussion with the PM to Russian leaders and relevant agencies.

He also personally committed to further promoting the bilateral relationship, especially in the areas and topics recommended by the PM.

Source: VNA