PANO - During his state-level visit to Italy at the invitation of Italian President Sergio Mattarella, Vietnamese State President Tran Dai Quang met Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on November 23.

The Vietnamese President expressed his pleasure at fine developments in the Vietnam-Italy bilateral ties, hoping that the traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries would reap practical and effective fruits in the future, for national interests of each country.

He also showed his empathy for the losses in the recent earthquakes in the country and believed the Italian Government and people would soon overcome the difficulties and consequences of the earthquakes.

President Tran Dai Quang (L) meeting with Italian PM Matteo Renzi. Photo:

The host highly appreciated the increasingly important role of Vietnam in the region as well as in the world.

In the atmosphere of sincerity and openness, the two leaders spoke highly of efforts of various ministries and agencies of the two nations in implementing deals and projects, contributing to develop the bilateral relationship comprehensively and sustainably.

The two leaders agreed to increase exchanges of high-ranking delegations of ministries and localities; proactively and effectively implement mechanisms of dialogue and cooperation on politics, economics, national defense, science-technology and other action programs of cooperation on culture, education and training. 

The two sides agreed to bring bilateral trade revenue to USD 6 billion in the 2017-2018 period while the guest vowed to provide favorable conditions for Italian companies to invest and do business in Vietnam, encouraging investment in machinery, new materials, nanotech, biotech, energy, food processing, garment and footwear in Vietnam.

The Vietnamese President and Italian PM witnessed the signing of various cooperation documents, such as: Action Plan for Vietnam-Italy Strategic Partnership in 2017-18; Cooperation Agreement between the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, and National Research Council of Italy; and Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Transportation between the Ministry of Transportation of Vietnam and Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of Italy.

* In another event, President Tran Dai Quang separately met with leaders of the Democratic Party, the Communist Refoundation Party and the Communist Party of Italy on November 23 (local time). 

At these meetings, the Vietnamese leader informed his hosts about outcomes of his talks with Italian President Sergio Mattarella. The President told leaders of the Italian parties that Vietnam attaches importance to developing the strategic partnership with Italy, its important partner in the EU

He noted with pleasure the strong development of the bilateral relationship across fields since the two countries established their strategic partnership in January 2013.

President Tran Dai Quang (R) and President of the Italian Democratic Party Matteo Orfini

President Quang also introduced socio-economic development orientations as well as foreign policy set by the 12th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), affirming that the Vietnamese Party treasures the traditional friendship with Italy’s left-wing parties.

He stressed the CPV’s stance on maintaining, consolidating and enhancing its relations with fraternal parties while expanding ties with major and ruling parties in foreign countries.

Reviewing the 18th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties in Hanoi last October, the President noted the parties’ resolve to struggle for peace, independence, equality, democracy, civilization and socialism.

The Vietnamese leader expressed his hope that the Italian left-wing parties and the CPV will increase meetings and experience sharing as well as support each other to achieve common objectives, contributing to deepening and materializing the bilateral strategic partnership.

In reply, the Italian hosts reassured the solidarity and friendship of their parties towards Vietnam’s past struggle for national liberation as well as the present cause of national construction.

Translated by Thu Phuong and VNA