During a meeting with Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin in Moscow on December 1, President Phuc wished that the two legislatures would further uphold the role of the Vietnam - Russia Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Committee in strengthening bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership and inter-parliamentary cooperation in particular.

At the meeting

Volodin, for his part, thanked the Vietnamese President for supporting ties between the two legislatures.

He affirmed that the State Duma of Russia treasures and wants to boost relations with the Vietnamese National Assembly, contributing to deepening ties between the two nations.

On the occasion, he also invited leaders of the Vietnamese National Assembly (N.A.) to the international forum on the development of parliamentarianism scheduled for September 2022 in Moscow.

President Phuc also conveyed N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue’s invitation to visit Vietnam to the host.

In the morning the same day, the Vietnamese leader laid wreaths at Ho Chi Minh Monument and a memorial dedicated to unknown martyrs in Moscow. Later, he paid tribute to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - a great leader of the working class and international communist movement at his mausoleum.

Source: VNA