Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh

PM Pham Minh Chinh’s official visit to Brazil, made at the invitation of President Lula da Silva, aims to consolidate political trust, deepen multifaceted cooperation, and develop the bilateral relations practically and effectively, especially in the fields of politics, diplomacy, economy, trade, and investment, culture, education and tourism.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Brazil Pham Thi Kim Hoa told the Vietnam News Agency that PM Pham Minh Chinh is the first leader of the Vietnamese Party and Government to pay an official visit to Brazil since the trip by then Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh in 2007. Therefore, it bears great significance to the promotion of the bilateral partnership in the future, she said, holding that it will mark the opening of a new period of cooperation between Vietnam and Brazil.

It also takes place on the thresholds of the 35th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations in 2024. Therefore, its outcomes will add meaning to this milestone, guiding the elevation of the bilateral relations to a new height in the future.

Highlighting economic cooperation potential between the two countries, Hoa noted that two-way trade reached 6.78 billion USD in 2022.

Brazil is the biggest trading partner of Vietnam in Latin America and the second largest in America, just behind the U.S.

The ambassador hoped that PM Pham Minh Chinh’s visit will help facilitate the trading of more products between the two countries, especially farm produce towards more balanced manner.

Particularly, the two sides are expected to propose effective policies and measures to expand their product exports to balance the bilateral trade, thus benefiting both Vietnam and Brazil, especially in the context that the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) is considering the signing of a free trade agreement with Vietnam.

Source: VNA