At the reception for RoK Ambassador Choi Young Sam, PM Chinh said both sides need to strengthen political ties and cooperation across various development sectors to match the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership.

PM Pham Minh Chinh (right) and RoK Ambassador Choi Young Sam

He called for promoting sustainable and balanced growth in trade and encouraged Korean firms to expand their operations in Vietnam, with a focus on areas where the RoK excels such as cultural industry, electronics, shipbuilding, and emerging fields like semiconductors and artificial intelligence.

The PM also proposed that the RoK continue expanding people-to-people exchanges and tourism cooperation, and receive more Vietnamese skilled workers.

He suggested that both sides enhance coordination at global and regional forums, with a specific request for the RoK’s assistance for Vietnam in hosting the Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 summit in 2025.

Choi, for his part, affirmed that the RoK Government considers Vietnam a priority in its current foreign policy and wishes to foster bilateral relations with Vietnam.

He agreed with the cooperation directions outlined by PM Chinh, particularly in maintaining the exchange of all-level delegations and increasing all-around collaboration.

The diplomat also committed his utmost efforts to contribute to Vietnam-RoK comprehensive strategic partnership throughout his tenure in Vietnam.

Hosting the new Lao Ambassador to Vietnam, Khamphao Ernthavanh the same day, PM Chinh highlighted the need for both nations to effectively carry out high-level agreements and existing cooperation mechanisms, especially the outcomes of the recent meeting between the two Parties and the 46th session of the Vietnam-Laos Inter-Governmental Committee.

At a reception for Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Khamphao Ernthavanh

He wished that relevant agencies of both countries would better coordinate to tackle obstacles to develop economic, trade and investment ties to a level that matches the close political relations between Vietnam and Laos, with a focus on strategic and locality-to-locality cooperation; infrastructure connectivity, energy and workforce training projects; and mutual support at global and regional forums.

The Vietnamese Government will continue assisting Laos in performing its role as ASEAN Chair 2024 and Chair of the 45th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), he said, adding that together, they will strive to maintain ASEAN's unity and centrality, step up the building of the ASEAN Community while effectively addressing common challenges.

Source: VNA