PM Pham Minh Chinh chairs a ceremony to celebrate Vietnam's 78th National Day and the 46th anniversary of the country's accession to the United Nations in New York.

The event was attended by President of the 78th U.N. General Assembly Dennis Francis, representatives from U.N. organizations and U.N. member states, international friends, leaders from Vietnamese ministries and sectors, and Vietnamese officials working in the U.S.

In his remarks, PM Pham Minh Chinh highlighted that Vietnam has contributed its efforts to realize the U.N.’s goals since it joined the organization 46 years ago, just like what President Ho Chi Minh expressed in his letter to the President of the 1st session of the U.N. General Assembly, in which he said Vietnam’s formation, struggle and development history is always associated with the U.N.’s values and principles, and is a part of the international community’s flow.

President of the 78th U.N. General Assembly Dennis Francis attends the ceremony.

Briefing the guests on Vietnam’s development journey, PM Pham Minh Chinh stressed that Vietnam has transformed from an aid recipient to a big rice exporter, and from a country ravaged by wars for decades to a nation with great strides in hunger eradication and poverty alleviation, and in the process to realize the U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals.

Vietnam is now among the 40 leading economies in the world, and enters the global top 20 economies in terms of international trade, he said, saying Vietnam stands ready to welcome international friends, tell stories of a peaceful and stable country as well as a people of industriousness, creativity and strong passion – the stories about an independent and resilient Vietnam who is a trustworthy friend and partner, and a pro-active and responsible member of the international community.

PM Pham Minh Chinh and delegates at the ceremony

The Vietnamese Party and State will continue their care for, and make more efforts for a prosperous nation, he said, adding that Vietnam is willing to share its experience so as to make practical contribution to the U.N.

Congratulating Vietnam on its National Day, Francis said that after 78 years of gaining independence, Vietnam has been developing extraordinarily from a poor nation to a middle-income, dynamic country with a strong start-up spirit.

President of the 78th U.N. General Assembly Dennis Francis speaks at the event.

Vietnam has worked actively to promote multilateralism, fully implemented and heightened the values of the U.N. Charter, while engaging in a wide range of the U.N.’s activities, which illustrated the nation’s commitment to the U.N.’s common goals, he said.

Francis expressed his hope that Vietnam will continue to engage and make more contributions to the U.N.’s goals, and affirmed that he supports all of the U.N. member states, including Vietnam, to implement the U.N. Charter and the sustainable development goals, and outline a roadmap towards the Summit of the Future.

Source: VNA