Anh expressed his delight at the breakthrough development of the two countries’ extensive strategic partnership in all fields, stressing that Japan is a strategic partner of leading importance, the biggest provider of official development assistance (ODA), the second largest partner in labor cooperation, the third largest foreign investor, and the fourth among trading partners of Vietnam.

Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission Tran Tuan Anh (R) meets with Maeda Tadashi, Chairman of the JBIC Board of Directors and Special Advisor to the Cabinet of Japan, in Hanoi on July 27.

He highly valued JBIC’s contribution to Vietnam through its assistance for the country’s economic development and Japanese investments here, and applauded the bank’s cooperation with the Economic Commission and related agencies to promote the trilateral infrastructure partnership of Japan, the U.S. and Australia with Vietnam to bolster investment in infrastructure development.

The host asked the Japanese side and the JBIC to continue helping Vietnam with some key areas where the Southeast Asian country has demand, such as strategic transport infrastructure projects, climate change response, digital transformation, energy transition, health capacity improvement, and human resources training.

For his part, Maeda spoke highly of Vietnam’s socio-economic development policies and recent achievements.

He agreed with his host’s suggestions and shared some cooperation ideas and measures.

The JBIC will continue cooperating closely with Vietnam to develop socio-economic infrastructure, thereby helping foster the two countries’ relations in an increasingly intensive and effective manner for the sake of the two peoples, he added.

Source: VNA