During the trip, the Vietnamese official, who is also Secretary of the CPV Central Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Central Steering Committee for Corruption and Negative Phenomena Prevention and Control, and Standing Vice Chairman of the Central Steering Committee for Judicial Reform, had meetings with Mark Dreyfus, Labor Party member in the House of Representatives and Attorney-General of Australia; Tim Watts, Labor Party member in the House of Representatives and Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs; Patrick Gorman, Labor Party member in the House of Representatives, Assistant Minister and Advisor to the Australian Prime Minister; Simon Birmingham, Liberal Party Senator and leader of the Opposition in the Senate; and David Littleproud, member of the House of Representatives and leader of the National Party.

Phan Dinh Trac (left), Politburo member and Chairman of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for Internal Affairs, meets with Patrick Gorman, Labor Party member in the House of Representatives, Assistant Minister and Advisor to the Australian Prime Minister.

The delegation also attended working sessions with the integrity and international cooperation division of the Attorney-General’s Department, the Department of Home Affairs, the Australian Federal Police, and the Independent Commission against Corruption of New South Wales.

At the events, the two sides applauded the strong development of their countries’ relations, especially since the establishment of the strategic partnership nearly five years ago.

They noted that bilateral cooperation has been growing effectively and substantively in multiple spheres, particularly trade, investment, defense, security, education, training, agriculture, labor, and law enforcement.

Vietnam and Australia have coordinated closely and supported each other at regional and international multilateral forums, especially the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United Nations. They have also maintained high-level mutual visits, properly made use of cooperation and dialogue mechanisms, promoted political trust, and been expanding cooperation to other important fields like digital transformation, energy transition, and climate change, officials said.

Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Tim Watts, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, and leaders of government agencies and political parties of Australia stressed that their country attaches importance to the role and stature of Vietnam in the region and the world.

They congratulated Vietnam on its recent development achievements and affirmed that the new Government of Australia respects ASEAN’s centrality and hopes to boost result-oriented cooperation with Southeast Asian countries, with Vietnam being a priority.

Appreciating the Australian Government’s effective and substantive assistance for Vietnam, Trac underlined the country’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance and peace, and that the Party and State of Vietnam treasure and wish to develop the bilateral strategic partnership.

He asked the two sides to continue enhancing political ties, including relations between the CPV and political parties in Australia, thus helping foster connections between the two countries and in other fields.

On this occasion, Mr. Phan Dinh Trac and officials of anti-corruption and judicial bodies of Australia also exchanged experience in the fight against corruption, law enforcement, and judicial reform.

Source: VNA