Hosting a reception for a delegation from the People’s Council of the Chinese province led by its Vice Chairman Liu Xiaoming, Standing Vice Chairman of the Ninh Binh provincial People’s Council Bui Hoang Ha briefed his guest on his locality’s fast and stable development after more than 30 years of reestablishment, with the gross regional domestic product growing 7.27% in 2023.

The two sides at the working session

Automobile manufacturing and assembling, electronics and supporting industry are key sectors of the province, he continued, highlighting priority for the development of clean industry, organic agriculture, circular economy, and service sector, particularly sustainable tourism.

Ha expressed his hope that the delegation will introduce Ninh Binh’s potential, strengths and investment climate to potential Chinese investors.

Liu, for his part, gave an overview of Hubei's socio-economic development with modern transport infrastructure and industrial sector.

At the event, both sides shared their experience in the leadership and operation of the two provincial People’s Councils, institutional building, supervision, agricultural and trade development, and friendship exchange.

Source: VNA