Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son (right) and Secretary of the Party Committee of China’s Hainan province, Shen Xiaoming (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

The two officials spoke highly of cooperation achievements across fields between Vietnamese localities and Hainan, and compared notes on orientations and measures to promote their friendship and cooperation in the time ahead.

Bui Thanh Son suggested Vietnamese and Chinese localities step up meetings and cooperation in such areas as trade and investment, and exchange experience in spheres where Hainan has strengths like climate change response, aquaculture, and agriculture, and especially rice cultivation in the areas affected by saltwater intrusion.

The minister also called for stronger cooperation in tourism, people-to-people exchange, and the restoration of direct flights between the two sides.

Localities should seriously implement the common perceptions reached by high-ranking leaders of the two Parties and countries on the satisfactory settlement of disagreements and working together to maintain peace and stability in the region, Bui Thanh Son said.

He suggested the two sides enhance collaboration in search and rescue operations at sea, help fishermen find storm shelters when necessary, and provide them with humanitarian treatment, matching the friendly neighborliness between the two countries.

At the meeting (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

For his part, Shen stressed that Hainan attaches importance to cooperation with Vietnamese localities, and stands ready to maintain regular exchanges and meetings.

Hainan will work to facilitate the penetration of Vietnamese goods, particularly agricultural products, into China through Hainan, and serve as a gateway for Chinese firms to invest in Vietnam, thus contributing to the development of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries.

Source: VNA