Meeting Politburo member of the Mexican Labor Party (PT) and Chairman of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies’ Committee on Foreign Affairs Alfredo Femat Bañuelos during his ongoing working trip to the Latin American country from March 22-27, Hai said the Party organization of HCM City wishes to contribute to maintaining and bolstering fine relationship between the Communist Party of Vietnam and the PT.

Ho Chi Minh City delegation in Mexico

He believed that following the visit, both sides will continue holding programs and events to promote cultural and tourism exchange between Ho Chi Minh City and Mexico.

Bañuelos, for his part, said Mexico desires to step up cooperation programs between the two parties in general and with Ho Chi Minh City in particular, especially in acupuncture and personnel training.

He said such programs not only popularize Vietnam's images in Mexico and Latin America but also enhance the PT’s reputation domestically and regionally.

The host vowed to continue expanding the scope of cooperation to other important areas such as economy and investment in the near future.

During a working session with Secretary of Economic Development of Mexico City Fadlala Akabani Hneide, Hai proposed that the two cities offer all possible support to their firms in accessing each other's markets and tapping incentives from the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) to which both countries are members.

Wishing to intensify ties with Ho Chi Minh City, Hneide suggested both sides discuss support policies for small- and medium-sized enterprises and learn from each other’s experience in issues like workforce training.

In another working session with Director of the Foreign Affairs Division under the Mexican Department of Culture Ariana Aymerich Ordónez, Hai informed that Ho Chi Minh City has partnered with the Mexican Embassy in Vietnam to hold cultural exchange events, notably the "Exploring Mexico" exhibition by famous Mexican painter Diego Rodarte in early March and the display of Olmec colossal heads in the city's Museum of Fine Arts.

He asked the Mexican Department of Culture to create conditions for Ho Chi Minh City to launch cultural exchange activities in Mexico.

Ordónez also suggested both sides continue working closely together to enhance bilateral cultural exchanges.

Earlier, the Vietnamese delegation paid a working trip to Guadalajara city, the capital of Jalisto state, during which they held working sessions with local leaders and businesses.

Source: VNA