Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Cuban National Assembly and President of the Cuba–Vietnam Friendship Association Yolada Ferrer Gómez, Vice President of ICAP Víctor Gaute López, members of local associations and branches, and staff members of the Embassy Vietnam in Cuba attended the ceremony.

Cubans offered flowers at Monument of President Ho Chi Minh in Havana on National Day.

Speaking at the ceremony, Ambassador Le Thanh Tung highlighted the great historical significance of September 2, 1945 for the Vietnamese people, when President Ho Chi Minh delivered the Declaration of Independence.

The diplomat emphasized the significance and role of the brotherly friendship between Cuba and Vietnam which has been continuously nurtured and consolidated by generations of leaders of the two countries during the past six decades.

ICAP First Vice President Fernández congratulated the Party, Government and people of Vietnam on their achievements during the country's national building and independence safeguarding over the past more than seven decades and the unyielding efforts of the Vietnamese people in building a modern, prosperous and beautiful country.

Source: VNA