National Assembly (N.A.) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue hailed the outcomes of the talks between Bartosek and N.A. Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai, which took place earlier the same day, and stressed that the Czech legislator’s Vietnam visit contributes to boosting cooperation between the two countries in general and their legislative bodies in particular.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (right) and Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech parliament Jan Bartosek

Vietnam always attaches importance to developing relations with traditional friends in Central-Eastern Europe, including the Czech Republic, he said, noting that the bilateral political and diplomatic ties have been developing fruitfully, and agencies of the two governments and legislatures have maintained all-level delegation exchanges.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue used the occasion to thank the Czech Republic and other traditional friends for their support for Vietnam during its past struggle for national liberation, as well as the present cause of national construction and development, highlighting that thousands of Vietnamese officials, engineers and workers have studied and worked in the Czech Republic, and many of them are holding important positions in the state apparatus, and the socio-economic life in Vietnam.

Speaking highly of the Czech Republic’s recognition of the Vietnamese community as an ethnic group in the country, N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said the recognition will contribute to enhancing the bilateral relations.

For his part, Bartosek emphasized that the traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries have yielded fruits.

Recalling the official visit to Vietnam by Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala last April, the legislator said all-level delegation exchanges demonstrate the attention and efforts of the two countries’ leaders in elevating the bilateral diplomatic ties.

Bartosek expressed his hope that the two countries will open direct flights in order to forge their tourism cooperation and promote their trade ties in a more balanced fashion.

Host and guest shared the view that tourism will be a promising cooperation area if the two countries launch direct flights. This will also help enhance cooperation in trade, investment and people-to-people exchange.

Last year, two-way trade reached 848 million USD, up 15% from 2021, which, however, has yet to match their potential and desires, the Vietnamese top legislator said, stressing that the two economies are reciprocal.

Vietnam wants to export many products to the E.U., including the Czech Republic, on the basis of the E.U. - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, and vice versa, Vietnam will facilitate Czech goods' access to its market, he continued.

Regarding the legislative ties, the N.A. Chairman suggested the two sides continue pushing ahead with delegation exchanges, and consider the signing of a new cooperation agreement between the Vietnamese legislature and the Czech Chamber of Deputies to replace the one signed in 2009.

Bartosek affirmed that the Vietnamese community forms an integral part of the Czech society, and has helped build a friendship bridge between the two countries.

Bartosek and his entourage attend a plenary session of the Vietnamese N.A.

The official expressed his hope for stronger collaboration in education and training, promising that the Czech Republic will grant scholarships to Vietnamese post graduate students.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue suggested the Czech Republic urge other E.U. countries to soon ratify the E.U. - Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement, and the European Commission (E.C.) to soon remove its “yellow card” warning against Vietnamese seafood.

The two sides also exchanged views on some regional and international issues of shared concern.

Regarding the East Sea (South China Sea) issue, Bartosek affirmed his support for the settlement of disputes by peaceful measures, and in accordance with international law, especially the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue asked Bartosek to convey his regards and invitations to the speakers of the lower house and upper house of the Czech parliament to pay official visits to Vietnam. He also invited a delegation from the Czech parliament to attend the ninth Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Forum of Young Parliamentarians slated for September 15-17 in Hanoi.

Bartosek and his entourage then attended a plenary session of the Vietnamese N.A.

Source: VNA