Talking to the Vietnamese News Agency, Fredesman recounted his memories of former Deputy PM Vu Khoan, saying that the deceased is a wholehearted friend of the Cuban people and also a sincere, simple, clear-sighted, and experienced comrade.

Fredesman, serving as Ambassador of Cuba to Vietnam twice, used to have many occasions to meet and work with the Vietnamese government leader.

Former Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam Fredesman Turro Gonzalez, who is also Vice Chairman of the Cuba - Vietnam Friendship Association

The diplomat said that during his first term in Vietnam from 1999 to 2004, Vu Khoan, then Deputy PM and Chairman of the National Committee for International Economic Cooperation, showed strong support for the promotion of economic and trade ties between the two countries.

When Cuba decided to update its economic model, it sent a group of experts to learn Vietnam’s experiences. At that time, the retired Deputy PM spent much time to give them detailed explanation of different reform periods of Vietnam, according to Fredesman.

The former ambassador highly valued Vu Khoan’s contribution to Vietnam’s diplomatic sector, especially during the country’s economic integration into the region and the world.

He held that former Deputy PM Vu Khoan’s diplomatic career had many highlights, particularly Vietnam’s participation in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), the U.S. - Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement, and the long negotiations on the country’s membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Vu Khoan, together with the Government, helped put an end of the embargo against Vietnam and shape a new foreign policy, Fredesman noted.

He called the death of the former Deputy PM a great loss and offered condolences to the family, relatives and friends, as well as the Party, State, and people of Vietnam.

Vu Khoan, born on October 7, 1937, passed away on June 21 after a period of illness.

He was a member of the Party Central Committee in the 7th, 8th, and 9th tenures, Secretary of the Party Central Committee in the 9th tenure, a deputy of the National Assembly in the 11th tenure, and Deputy Prime Minister from August 2002 to June 2006.

During his political career, he also held various positions, including Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (1990), Minister of Trade (2000), Deputy Prime Minister in charge of foreign economic relations and Chairman of the National Committee on the Asia - Pacific Economic Cooperation – APEC (2002).

He retired in 2007.

Source: VNA