This  will be the first Vietnam visit made by a senior German leader over the past 10 years. It takes place in the context that the Vietnam-Germany strategic partnership continues to develop actively in various fields.

Since the establishment of the diplomatic ties on September 23, 1975, the bilateral friendship and cooperation have developed positively, effectively and comprehensively. The mutual trust and understanding between the two countries have been further enhanced through high-level delegation exchanges and cooperation mechanisms.

(Photo for illustration: VNA)

During the visit to Vietnam by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in October 2011, the leaders of the two countries signed the Hanoi Joint Statement on the establishment of a strategic partnership, which set out concrete objectives and measures to strengthen cooperation in priority areas.

Apart from the cooperation between the two states, governments and parliaments as well as in other specialized fields, the economic ties have been a typical bright spot of the Vietnam-Germany relationship.

The two countries have signed many agreements, creating a legal basis for economic cooperation such as an agreement on avoidance of double taxation, a deal on investment promotion and protection, maritime and aviation agreements, and so on.

Currently, Germany is Vietnam's largest trading partner in the European Union (E.U.) and also an important transshipment gateway for Vietnamese goods to enter other markets in Europe. In 2021, the total import and export turnover between the two countries reached more than USD 11 billion, an increase of 11% compared to 2020 while the figure for 9 months of 2022 is USD 9.45 billion, 16.7% higher than the same period last year. Vietnam's exported products to Germany are mainly phones and computer components, textiles, footwear, coffee, agricultural and aquatic goods. The country mainly imports machinery, equipment, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, automobiles and auto parts, vehicles of transport from Germany.

According to data from the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, Vietnam has become Germany's leading trading partner in Southeast Asia and its sixth largest in Asia. Germany played an active role in the negotiation and ratification of the E.U.-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and the E.U.-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA).

Regarding investment, as of August 2022, Germany had 431 valid projects worth over USD 2.31 billion in Vietnam, ranking 4th in the E.U. and 18th out of 141 countries and territories investing in Vietnam. Meanwhile, Vietnamese enterprises are operating 36 investment projects in Germany with a total investment of over USD 283.3 million, ranking 14th out of 79 countries and territories that receive investments from Vietnam.

Regarding development cooperation, Germany is one of the countries that regularly and frequently provide official development assistance (ODA) to Vietnam. Since 1990, Germany has provided over USD 2 billion for ODA projects in Vietnam to back the country’s socio-economic development and international integration.

The German Government identifies Vietnam as a "global partner" in the development cooperation strategy towards 2030 (BMZ 2030). On that basis, the German side aims to further boost ties with Vietnam in priority aspects such as climate change, natural resources’ protection and renewable energies, vocational training and healthcare.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Germany donated more than 10 million doses of vaccines and medical equipment to Vietnam, contributing to supporting the country in repelling the pandemic and recovering socio-economic development.

In the common development of the Vietnam-Germany ties, the bilateral defense cooperation has been continuously consolidated and developed. In 2003, Vietnam sent a permanent defense attaché to Berlin and Germany appointed a defense attaché in Thailand to concurrently serve Vietnam.

During the visit to Germany by Minister of National Defense General Pham Van Tra in October 2004, the two sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in supporting the training of Vietnamese servicemen in the Western European country. The two sides regularly exchange visits or conduct policy consultations. Several officers of the Vietnam People's Army have participated in training courses at the German defense training institutions. In September 2019, Germany officially sent a permanent defense attaché to Vietnam.

The two sides have actively coordinated in accelerating exchanges of delegations, experts and students and sharing experiences in U.N. peacekeeping operations. It was the first time in the history of the two countries that Germany sent a naval frigate to visit Ho Chi Minh City during its voyage to the Indo-Pacific region from January 6 to 9, 2022.

The two countries have also strengthened cooperation in other fields such as justice and law, education and training, culture, tourism, science and technology, in which Vietnam-Germany University in Ho Chi Minh City Minh is considered a "lighthouse" project in the field of education and training.

Also, the Vietnamese community in Germany with nearly 200,000 people living all over Germany is acting as an important bridge for the two countries’ relationship. Overseas Vietnamese in Germany have a relatively stable life thanks to their wage jobs or small businesses. The second generation of Vietnamese in Germany has integrated quite successfully, been highly appreciated by the local authorities compared to other immigrant communities in Germany.

Having traveled to Vietnam, Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his spouse have fallen in love Vietnamese cuisine. In his inauguration speech in December 2021 and address at the G7 Summit in June 2022, Chancellor Olaf Scholz mentioned Vietnam as an important and potential partner that Germany wants to strengthen cooperation.

With this official visit to Vietnam, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has reaffirmed his appreciation and hope to strengthen the strategic partnership with Vietnam.

We believe that Chancellor Olaf Scholz's visit will be a great success, contributing to deepening the Vietnam-Germany strategic partnership, bringing the two countries' relationship to a new chapter for the mutual benefit of the two countries, and for peace, stability, cooperation and development.

Translated by Trung Thanh