Intellectual property plays an increasingly important role as a foundation to help Vietnamese businesses become more confident in international trade and investment activities.

Registration for the protection of intellectual property rights of Vietnamese enterprises abroad is on the rise. (Photo:

According to statistics of the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam under the Ministry of Science and Technology, in recent years, the number of applications related to the registration of international marks from Vietnam through the Madrid System of International Registration for Marks is continuously increasing.

However, Vietnamese enterprises nationwide are still quite confused and stuck in the process of preparing, submitting and pursuing applications for registration of trademarks and geographical indications abroad.

Director of the Hanoi Department of Science and Technology Nguyen Hong Son said that the products after being protected have more added value than before, helping to change awareness of farming habits, and application of scientific and technological advances in production.

In order to implement Resolution 48/NQ-CP dated May 6, 2021 on the regular Government meeting in April 2021, a coordination plan between the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade on supporting the protection of trademarks and geographical indications for potential export products of Vietnam abroad has been signed.

This is a favorable condition for Vietnamese enterprises to participate in foreign markets and protect trademarks and geographical indicators of Vietnamese products.

Source: VNA