October 17, 2016 | 16:31 (GMT+7)
Reference exchange rate up 5 VND
The reference VND/USD exchange rate issued by the State Bank of Vietnam on October 17 was 22,016 VND per USD, up 5 VND from October 14...
The reference VND/USD exchange rate issued by the State Bank of Vietnam on October 17 was 22,016 VND per USD, up 5 VND from October 14.
Transactions at Techcombank. (Photo for illustration) |
With the current +/- 3 percent VND/USD trading band, the ceiling exchange rate is 22,676 VND per USD and the floor rate is 21,356 VND per USD.
The buying rate listed by Vietcombank and BIDV was 22,270 VND per USD, while the selling rate was 22,340 VND, unchanged from October 14.
Eximbank posted buying and selling prices at 22,255 – 22,335 VND/USD.
Meanwhile, Techcombank offered buying and selling prices at 22,260 - 22,350 VND per US dollar.
Source: VNA