He hailed efforts by local authorities and people in the past nearly 20 years of the province’s establishment to overcome the most difficult periods and have what it has today.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the conference.

Hau Giang converges many favorable factors and has great potential and advantages for socio-economic development, especially in agriculture, logistics, energy and tourism, stressed Chinh.

He expressed his hope that the province can take advantage of policies dedicated to the Mekong Delta region, and turn potential into resources for socio-economic development, so as to better locals' lives.

The Government leader also suggested several areas where businesses should invest in Hau Giang such as socio-economic infrastructure development, especially investment in traffic infrastructure and urban development; industry, particularly energy, processing, manufacturing, food industry; high-tech and organic agriculture; tourism; logistics; and information technology.

He asked Hau Giang to coordinate closely with ministries, sectors and other localities to anticipate investment flows to create a breakthrough and new motivation for rapid recovery and sustainable socio-economic development, and make preparations to meet higher requirements of businesses and investors.

PM Chinh visits several booths on the sideline of the conference.

The PM also requested investors to implement their commitments and cooperation agreements, and uphold their responsibility in environmental protection and in creating a safe, friendly and harmonious working environment for labourers.

The Vietnamese Government commits to creating a better and more favorable business and investment environment, he affirmed.

At the conference, PM Chinh witnessed the hand-over of investment certificates to 12 projects in Hau Giang province, with a total capital of 19 trillion VND (810 million USD); and witnessed the signing of memorandums of inderstanding (MoU) on investment cooperation and investment intention with 10 investors, with a total capital of more than 204 trillion VND. On this occasion, State-owned enterprises also presented 28 billion VND to finance the construction of schools and give gifts to people who rendered service to the nation in Hau Giang province.

Source: VNA