The annual event, which was opened on August 3, is intended to help localities along the East-West Economic Corridor introduce their socio-economic achievements, said Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Le Trung Chinh.

At the event

It also offers a chance for countries and their localities, as well as international organizations that have set up relations with Da Nang, to promote their potential and strengths, and seek investment opportunities, he added.

Notably, the fair is expected to contribute to enhancing friendship, mutual understanding and trust among the countries in the East-West Economic Corridor, the official continued.

The businesses, including those from China, Indonesia, Thailand, the Republic of Korea (RoK), the U.S., Myanmar, and Laos, brought to the fair a range of products, from electronics to household utensils, handicrafts, food and beverages, garments-textiles, pharmaceutical products, cosmetics and services.

Within the framework of the six-day fair, there will be a forum on logistics, a workshop seeking ways to remove difficulties for industrial facilities in rural areas, and a conference on supply-demand connection, among others.

Source: VNA