The products from 19 eligible enterprises operating in the city included high tech ones such as hardboard products, flexible circuit board products and household products such as high-quality sanitary ware, faucets and washbasins, steel pots, non-stick pans, rice cookers, printers, paints and bamboo baskets.

According to the department, firms which have made efforts in scientific and technological applications, applied international standards in quality management and increased the degree of automation in production and management were chosen for the list.

At the event

In the last three years, Hanoi has implemented support policies and programs for firms such as trade promotion activities and an improved business environment, helping enterprises increase competitiveness, speed up scientific and technological applications and increase the quality of human resources.

So far, the city has recognised 117 products of 77 businesses after three years. The turnover of 77 enterprises with recognised products was estimated at nearly 200 trillion VND (8.69 billion USD) and their export turnover was estimated at more than 1 billion USD this year.

Source: VNA