Speaking at a working session with representatives of the Mekong Delta province over the collective economy, Phuc said many successful models have been duplicated and formed a development trend in the locality.

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc speaks at the working session.

He stressed that along with the State-run economic sector, the collective sector has become a firm foundation of the national economy.

Tien Giang has seriously implemented Resolution No.13-NQ/CP that is intended to improve the efficiency of the collective economy, and has drastically restructured poor-performing establishments.

However, the President said, Tien Giang’s socio-economic development, particularly the collective economy, has yet to match its potential, with few big brands and limited participation in value chains.

He urged the province to try to make better use of its advantages, while working to boost smart agriculture, industry in support of agriculture.

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc (center) visits an outstanding model of collective economy in Tien Giang province.

It was reported that last year and in the first quarter of this year, 23 new cooperatives were set up in the province, raising the total number to 247 so far with 87,301 members. 

The cooperatives have generated jobs for 30,634 laborers, each with a monthly income of around 6 million VND (262 USD), and posted a combined turnover of 2.65 trillion VND.

While in Tien Giang, Phuc made a field trip to My Tinh An Dragon Fruit Cooperative in Cho Gao district, which has operated in line with Global Gap standards.

Source: VNA